Wednesday, July 21, 2010

English Immersion Camp!!!

Part 1. Many Kind of Tasks

In English Immersion camp, there are many kind of tasks. I always have to do boring homework like Calculating PER, DDM etc. (Even if It is important to my major, I cannot help say "boring")
I can do many kind of homework; Speech, Blogging, Analyzing Movie and making Presentation etc.
During 3 weeks, they are very hard for me, but I can say they make me excited.

Part 2. Various Activity
In this camp, I can experience many activity. For instance, Salsa practice is impressive than I thought. Because I'm not good at dancing, I worried about learning salsa. However It is little bit difficult to stay stepping and turning, it was a very fantastic experience.

Part 3. Good Teachers

I'm very impressive because of Good teachers. All teachers always teach us and answer my questions. And they teach me English skills-Writing and Speech- and give me many imformation.

I had several chances to meet native speakers. But I can't talk to them very well because I don't know how to communicate with them. Therefore, in this camp, I'm able to know how to communicate with them. Also, I can understand they have their own personality and characters.

Thank you for teaching us for three weeks. I can not forget your lectures forever. Thank you!!

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